New home, fresh looks

New home, fresh looks

I don’t remember how many times I ”start over” my blog but this time around, I would definitely make it as the last. As what you’re currently seeing, there are no previous posts on this site as I’m still migrating from my old site and hopefully, it’ll be done in the next couple of weeks.

The reason

This new site is created because my old site has been inaccessible. The error was caused by the "force" shutdown applied by its vendor (Digitalocean) to my server due to unpaid bill that I've accumulated 🤦‍♂️( it's on me though, I didn't setup automatic deduction on my account 😅). And once I've paid the bill, the webserver can't be started to establish a connection to Cloudflare (DNS vendor). TLDR; it would require a huge effort to get the site back up again, so I just decided to move to another domain as well as upgrade to a premium platform.

Why Ghost(Pro)

Here are the main reasons why I decided to use Ghost(Pro):

  • All-in-one place for essential writing and publishing functionality. From basic features such as a rich text editor to advanced features like edit history. It's just super easy to use the platform so that I can focus more on writing rather than tweaking/maintaining the site.
  • Custom domain setup. Ghost(Pro) enables me to set up custom domain easily. They even provide step-by-step tutorial on how to set up this with Cloudflare so we can follow and apply that within minutes. No bullshit, it's just done.
  • Site analytics. I know it's not as advanced as for example Google Analytics (but they also let us integrate with that via code injection) but I think it's sufficient for my need. For the features like subscriber, newsletter, and page visits, I get all those from the moment I finish installing the platform.

So, with all the above reasons, there's no stopping me to focus on writing and publishing content as opposed to maintaining and customizing it on my previous site. After all, my ultimate goal is to share things that matter to me and I hope it benefits others who read this site.


I try to be consistent by publishing (at least) one post every month so stay tuned! ✌️